
Taiwan Rotary Youth Exchange
Districts 3481, 3482, 3501 & 3502


About us













About us



R.I. D3501 & YEC


D3501   2024-25 RYE Committee Chair
Feng-Hsing LIN , 林鋒星 PP Dison
Rotary Club of Chungli Chung Shing
  • Established in 1998
  • Located in Chungli, Hsinchu, Miaoli. The area is located on the northern part of Taiwan on west coast. It is one of the twelve District in Taiwan.
  • 88 Clubs (About 3,000 members--30/June/2024)
Our District is the most important industrial and manufacturing area in Taiwan. The famous foreign multi-national companies have put their production lines in this area.


We have Ford Co., TOYOTA Co., Honda Co., Du-Pont Co., ICI Co., Glaxo Co., to invest their manufacturing facilities in our area. We have the famous Science Industrial Park in Hsinchu which are known to have the computer industry, IC industry, IT related industry. Also, the area has provided the important agriculture products to Taiwan. We have a beautiful rice field and vegetable field.  
We have the tea farm in the mountain hills. Within the one-hour driving distance, we can reach the high mountain area with hundreds of more than 3,000 meters high mountains. This is the area of various scenery view. We have the factories, we have the green field, we have the mountain views. It is giving the people with a lot of choice for leisure time.
The Rotarians in our District have showed their contribution to the community and the international community. We have donated to The Rotary Foundation with the amount of more than US$100 per capita of the annual giving for the last 10 years. We have supported many projects for the neighboring countries. We have GSE project and YEP project. We are a good family of Rotary.



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