
Taiwan Rotary Youth Exchange
Districts 3481, 3482, 3501 & 3502


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About us



Districts 3481,3482,3501,3502

Brief Introduction of Taiwan Rotary Youth Exchange

(TRYEX) of Districts 3481, 3482, 3501 and 3502

        Generally, international partners of TRYEX expect to send their students to Taipei. District 3481&3482 include West and South Parts of Taipei and the island of Kinmen; District 3501&3502 include North-West Taiwan including Tao-Yuan, Hsin-Chu & Mao-li.
        TRYEX receives inbound students from more than twenty nations and five continents, that allow for wide interactions among them and enhances their global perspectives. In total, our four Districts normally send around 100 youths each year overseas on Long Term Youth Exchange Program, receiving about the same number of inbounds. In addition, we implement Short Term Exchange Program (STEP) and Camps.
        On 1st July, 2017, D3480 became D3481 & D3482 with around 4,780 members in 136 Rotary Clubs. RI D3480 was the longest-established Rotary District in TAIWAN, located in Taipei (the capital and largest city of our country) D3480 Youth Exchange Committee, set up in 1995, is also the first of its kind in Taiwan.
        On 1st July, 2017, D3500 became D3501 & D3502 with around 5,860 members in 124 Rotary Clubs. About 15 minutes to one hour by train or car from Taipei, the most important industrial and manufacturing area in Taiwan: many famous foreign multi-national companies (- Ford Co., TOYOTA Co., Honda Co., Du-Pont Co., ICI Co., Glaxo Co) have put their production lines here. D3502 also includes Taoyuan International Airport, agriculture areas and hundreds of more than 3,000 meters high mountains, where are full of various sceneries for leisure time.
        In fact, D3480 and D3500 have co-operated, on an informal basis, in Youth Exchange, for over ten years. RI Board has recognized the formation of the Taiwan Rotary Youth Exchange (TRYEX) of Districts 3480 & 3500, to participate in multidistrict Youth Exchange activities since 2008.
        Rotary Youth Exchange Program helps to cultivate maturity and independence among the participants, while enhancing their strengths and capabilities and promoting a "global outlook" among them. For our side, we can match the accomplishments of other international Rotary Districts and even lead the way in implementation of Youth Exchange Programs among other Districts throughout Taiwan.

(TRYEX) of Districts 3481, 3482, 3501 and 3502














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